Fourth Food Analyst Examination Model Questions - Theory Paper - I - 2017

3rd Food Analyst Examination solved Questions Answers (BOLD) 76 to 100 Paper I 2017 


1)             Potentially hazardous foods must be maintained at ‘safe temperatures’. Safe Temperatures mean:
a.       Between 5 degree Celsius and 60 degree Celsius
b.      5 degree Celsius or below and 60 degree Celsius or above
c.       At a temperature that will not cause trauma to the palate (mouth) and will not compromise the nutritional value of the food
d.      Above 5 degree Celsius and below 60 degree Celsius

2)             What do you need to know about the applied cleaning agents?
a.       All cleaning agents in the food processing industry are so different  composition therefore, this is not relevant
b.      All cleaning agents in the food processing industry have the same composition therefore, so they are easy to handle
c.       Cleaning agents in the food processing industry are of different  composition therefore, knowledge of their properties is required, e.g. Material Safety Data Sheet
d.      Cleaning agents used are only detergents

3)              Sanitation is vital to disease control and cleanliness. Which of the following statements regarding sanitation program is TRUE?
a.       The most important aspect in sanitation is the commitment to producing safe, wholesome  products in a clean plant environment
b.      The commitment to sanitation must be communicated to all employees
c.       The sanitation program top priority should be to communicate to all employees the necessity and importance of proper cleaning and sanitation practices
d.      All the above.

4)             An example of critical control point is
a.       Dicing raw ingredient for the preparation of  soup mix
b.      Reviewing the source of raw ingredients for a food product
c.       Cooking a raw food product to the critical limit
d.      Serving the finished ready to eat product

5)             Conforming that the process and critical control points (CCPs) are under control is also known as validation. An example of validating a pre-requisite program is
a.       Reviewing Food Defense Procedures for a Food Plant
b.      Swab testing of equipment after cleaning and sanitation procedures have been finished
c.       Microbiological testing for pathogens in a finished food product
d.      Taste testing a finished food product for consumer preferences

6)             Verification involves being able to conform that HACCP elements are working properly. Which of the following is NOT a method used for verification
a.       Random Sampling
b.      Microbiological testing
c.       Performing a mock recall
d.      Chemical testing

7)             The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) was established by
a.       By the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  (FAO)
b.      By the World Health Organization
c.       Both of the above
d.      Neither of the above

8)             Which of the following is Joint FAO/WHO expert scientific committee deals with food borne parasites?
a.       JECFA
b.      JMPR
c.       JEMRA
d.      None of the above

9)             Consider the following statements
1.       Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) are the category of non-tariff barriers to trade under WTO agreements
2.       TBT have the greatest impact on agriculture due to sanitary and phyto- sanitary measures designed to protect human, animal, and plants from diseases, pests and other contaminants

Which of the following statement given above is/are correct?
a.       Only 1
b.      Only 2
c.       Both 1 and 2
d.      Neither 1 nor 2

10)          Which microbiological criteria are applicable in a robust Food Safety Management System?
a.       Food Safety Criteria
b.      Process Hygiene Criteria
c.       Only B
d.      Both A & B

11)          Which of the listed organizations in the supply chain can implement ISO 22000? 1) Food Manufacturing , 2) food ingredient manufacturing, 3) food additives manufacturing, 4) transportation of food, 5) packaging of foods, 6) retail or whole sale dealer, 7) Restaurants, 8) food equipment production
a.       All of the above excluding 2 and 3
b.      All of the above excluding 4, 5 and 8
c.       All of the above
d.      Only 1,6 and 7

12)          The Family Enterobacteriaceae are useful indicator organisms to monitor food
a.       Hygiene
b.      Contamination
c.       A&B
d.      Neither A nor B

13)          Codex has prescribed general principles of food hygiene
a.       For Different Food Groups
b.      Only General Guidelines
c.       A general and food groups specific guidelines
d.      None of these

14)          Allergen control in food will fall under
a.       CCP
b.      PRP
c.       GMP
d.      None of the above

15)          A quality system concerned with the organizational process and the conditions under which non-clinical health and environmental safety studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded, archived and reported is known as
a.       ISO 9001
b.      GLP
c.       ISO 17025
d.      GHP

16)          Identify the correct statement:
a.       Quality control is a product focused concept while Quality assurance is a process focused concept
b.      Quality control is a process focused concept while Quality assurance is a product focused concept
c.       Quality control and Quality assurance are interchangeable in present ISO era
d.      None of the above is correct

17)          As per codex minimum number of primary samples to be taken from a non suspect primary lot of meat and poultry product
a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      4

18)          Which one of the following is not an indirect method of moisture determination in a food sample
a.       Karl Fischer method
b.      NMR Spectroscopy
c.       NIR Spectroscopy
d.      Infrared Absorption

19)          Which is not correct for Reversed Phase Chromatography
a.       Relatively Non-polar Stationary Phase
b.      Relatively Polar Mobile Phase
c.       Methanol for acidic compounds in mobile phase
d.      Acetonitrile for acidic compounds in mobile phase

20)          Why is HACCP, a pre-requisite and important to a food manufacture
a.       It prioritizes and controls potential hazards in food production
b.      Public health protection is strengthened as it controls major food risks
c.       Consumer assure that the products are as safe
d.      All of the Above

21)          Knowledge of an emerging pathogen
a.       Requires establishing a new HACCP system to be developed
b.      Necessitates reviewing and if required altering the current HACCP system
c.       Is the responsibility of the frontline employee
d.      Must be first analyzed by the food laboratory

22)          Which international organization provides a setting where governments compare policy experiences, seeks answer to common problem, identify good practice and coordinate domestic and international policies?
a.       The World Health Organization (WHO)
b.      The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
c.       World Organization of Animal Health (OIE)
d.      World Trade Organization (WTO)

23)          HACCP can be applied 1) in Distribution and Retail 2) From Farm to Table 3) BY food Industry
a.       2&3
b.      1&2
c.       1&3
d.      1,2&3

24)          Sous -vide is
a.       An Analytical approach for thermally processed foods
b.      Method of cooking and cooling at precisely controlled temperature
c.       Device to measure the temperature inside the retort
d.      None of the above

25)          A Food borne infection occurs when
a.       The Microorganism itself is ingested with the food and the person already has a cold or some other virus
b.      The microorganism itself is ingested with the food, establishes itself in the host body, multiplies to significant enough members to cause illness
c.       The microorganism itself is ingested with the food, and produces a toxin either in the food or host body. The toxin causes illness.

d.      Raw animal products come into contact  with the food handlers open sore or lesion


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  2. not clear the questions asked


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