Model question for 4th Food Analyst Examination- Solved answers Online

Model Questions 4th Food Analyst Examination - Paper I - Questions 51 to 75

3rd Food Analyst Examination  2016- 2017 Solved Questions Online - FSSAI

51)              In Food Safety and Standards (Food Products and Food Additives) Regulation 2011, the antibacterial polypeptide which is permitted as a preservative in Cheese and cheese products is
a.       Nukacin
b.      Nisin
c.       Bisin
d.      Lysozyme

52)             A method of drying in which the moisture in the food is frozen, and then sublimed to vapour under vacuum is called as
a.       Sun- drying
b.      Lyophilization
c.       Spray Drying
d.      Drum drying

53)             Enzymes which are mainly used in clarification of juices are
a.       Pectinases and pectinesterases
b.      Hemicellulases
c.       Cellulases
d.      Amylases

54)             Packaging of Food is a method of                
a.       Food adulteration
b.      Food Preservation
c.       Food irradiation
d.      None of the above

55)             Molecular weight of a polymer can be calculated if you know
a.       Degree of polymerization (DP)
b.      Molecular weight of repeating units
c.       Either a or b
d.      Both a and b

56)             Sum of all mobile packaging components (molecules) released per unit area packaging material under defined condition is called
a.       Specific migration
b.      Overall migration (global migration)
c.       Diffusion
d.      Non- migration

57)             For easy identification, most plastic containers are marked with a recycling symbol containing a specific number. What is the specific number for Low Density Poly Ethylene (LDPE)
a.       2
b.      3
c.       4
d.      7
58)             The essential nutrients that the body required for normal growth and metabolism, apart from water, protein, carbohydrates and fats, are
a.       Minerals
b.      Vitamins
c.       Neither a nor b
d.      Both a and b
59)             Two essential fatty acids that are required are
a.       Linoleic acid and oleic acid
b.      Linoleic acid and palmitic acid
c.       Linoleic acid and alpha Linolenic acid
d.      Palmitic acid and oleic acid

60)          The preferred best method for the determining the protein quality is
a.       True Protein Digestibility
b.      Protein Efficiency Ratio
c.       PDCAAS
d.      Amino acid score

61)          In animal feed experiments, the weight (in grams) per gram of protein consumed is called as
a.       Net Protein Ratio (NPR)
b.      Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER)
c.       Net Protein Utilization (NPU)
d.      Biological Value (BV)

62)          In Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain (ETC), electron pairs carried by NADH produce _________ number of ATP molecules
a.       2.5
b.      4.5
c.       1.5
d.      5.5

63)          Any representation which states, suggests or implies that a food has particular nutritional properties which are not limited to energy value is termed as
a.       Health Claims
b.      Risk Reduction
c.       Nutrition claim
d.      None of the above

64)          Packaged Food containing Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) shall carry the label declaration
1.       Contains Added MSG
2.       Not recommended for infants below 12 months
3.       Not for Phenylketoneurics
4.       Not for lactose intolerant infants

a.       1,2 & 3
b.      1,2 & 4
c.       1,3 & 4
d.      1 & 2

65)          What is the date that signifies the end of the period under any stated storage conditions, during which the food shall remain fully marketable and shall retain any specific qualities for which tacit or express claims have been made, and beyond that date the food shall may still be perfectly safe to consume, though its qualities may have diminished?
a.       Use-by date
b.      Best before date
c.       Recommended last date consumption
d.      Expiry Date

66)          The following type of food processing is referred to as “cold sterilization”
a.       Adding permitted preservatives
b.      Just boiling treatment
c.       Irradiation
d.      Concentration under vacuum

67)          The antifungal agent permitted  for use in fruit jam by FSSR is:
a.       Benzoates

b.      Glacial acetic acid
c.       Vinegar
d.      Nisin

68)          The Following is not a good source of vitamin D in our diet
a.       Spinach
b.      Milk
c.       Sunlight
d.      Pineapple

69)          According to FSSR, vitamin A in food product added externally with such vitamin should be analyzed only using following method:
a.       Carr-Price method
b.      Fluorospectrometry
c.       Gas-Liquid Chromatography
d.      High Pressure Liquid Chromatography

70)          As per FSSA in packaging requirements for fruits and vegetable products, juices and pulps may be packed in the following type of container, when sulphited
a.       Wooden barrels
b.      Tin plate containers
c.       Wooden baskets
d.      Aluminum tins

71)          As per FSSR, the nutritional information per 100g/ 100ml or per serving of the product given on the label shall not contain the following
a.       Energy Value in kcal
b.      Amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat in gm or ml
c.       The amount of other nutrient for which  allergenic potential is declared
d.      The amount of other nutrient for which health claim has been made

72)          The following method is an effective technique to preserve perishable chilled foods without resorting to heat processing or chemical preservatives        
a.       Modified Atmospheric packaging
b.      Bactofugation
c.       Stassanization
d.      Thermization

73)          The maximum dosage of irradiation permitted for Mango by FSSR is
a.       0.09 KGy
b.      0.75 KGy
c.       0.09 Rad
d.      0.75 Rad

74)          Yeasts and Moulds that are capable of growth at or below a water activity (a­­w) of 0.85 are known as:
a.       Xerophilic fungi
b.      Xerophilic Rickettsiae
c.       Xerophilic bacteria
d.      Zanophilic fungi

75)          The following food is not considered as a major food allergen (among top eight)
a.       Milk
b.      Egg
c.       Poultry

d.      Peanut


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