Model Question Paper 4th Food Analyst Examination - Paper I
3rd Food Analyst Examination MCQs with Answer (BOLD) Questions  - 26- 50     

 26)            Analysis report section of Food Analyst Report does not contain one of the following
a.       Test Methods Used
b.      Opinion on the sample
c.       Measurement of uncertainty
d.      Prescribed standards
27)             As per the provisions of Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Regulation 2011which of the following is mandatory before slaughtering animals
a.       Stunning
b.      Use of electric pods
c.       Staining
d.      Stripping
28)             Packaging Materials Polyethylene (PE) bottles used for packaging of Drinking water shall conforms to the following BIS standards
a.       IS 12252
b.      IS 10910
c.       IS 52122
d.      IS 10146
29)             The Claim on “Trans Fat Free” is being permitted under Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling Regulation) under the condition if the Trans Fat content less than
a.       0.05gm per serving
b.      0.2gm per serving
c.       0.1gm per serving
d.      0.01gm per serving
30)             As per the requirement of Packaging and Labelling regulation, Net quantity for food packed in liquid medium shall carry a declaration on
a.       Liquid weight
b.      Drained weight
c.       Gross weight
d.      None of the above
31)             Mandatory statement displayed on the pack of Infant milk substitute is
a.    Baby requires mother’s milk
b.    Milk is the best source for the child
c.     Mother’s milk is best for your baby
d.    Mother’s milk is needed for your baby
32)             “Not for Phenylketonurics” shall carry on the label if the product contains following table top sweetener
a.    Aspartame
b.    Acesulfame K
c.     Sucralose
d.    Neotame
33)             Percentage of Milk Fat and milk solids not fat contents for raw and pasteurized mixed milk in India are 
a.    4.5 & 8.5 respectively
b.    3.0 & 8.5 respectively
c.     3.5 & 8.5 respectively
d.    3.0 & 9.0 respectively
34)             Baudouin test for Vanaspathi (Hydrogenated Fat) indicates the presence of
a.    Sesame oil
b.    Mineral oil
c.     Vitamin A
d.    Trans fatty Acid
35)          Butyro  Refractometer reading at 40C for milk fat always lies between
a.    44- 46
b.    30 -34
c.     40 -44
d.    34 - 36
36)          Percent Acidity as acetic acid for chilly sauce shall not be less than
a.    1.2
b.    1.5
c.     0.6
d.    1.0
37)          Added colouring matter permitted for bread under Section 2.4.15 of Food Safety and Standards (Food Products and Food Additives) Regulation 2011 are
a.       All water soluble colours
b.      Only natural colours
c.       Only carryover colours from ingredients
d.      All oil soluble colours
38)          Test for lead chromate is conducted for the sample
a.       Chilli powder
b.      Turmeric powder
c.       Coriander powder
d.      Curry powder
39)          pH of packaged drinking water shall be between
a.       6.0 to 8.0
b.      6.5 to 7.5
c.       6.5 to 8.5
d.      6.5 to 8.0
40)          The international body that is involved in harmonize food standards around the world is
a.       World Health Organization
b.      Codex Alimentarius Commission
c.       International Standards Organization
d.      International Union of Food Standards
41)          Expanded uncertainty is derived by multiplying the combined standard uncertainty with
a.       Coverage Factor a
b.      Coverage Factor m
c.       Coverage Factor k
d.      Coverage Factor s
42)          If Internal audit is not conducted as per the Clauses of ISO 17025: 2005, the auditor can issue
a.       Minor Non conformance
b.      Major Non conformance
c.       Improvement notice
d.      Opportunity for improvement
43)          Which of the following are covered under the proximate analysis of foods?
a.       Protein, Carbohydrates, Vitamins
b.      Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats
c.       Protein, Sugars, Minerals
d.      Fats, Vitamins, Minerals
44)          Food poisoning occurs due to inadequate processing or poor handling of processed food articles. The most dangerous food poisoning organism is
a.      Salmonella typhosa
b.      Clostridium perfringens
c.       Staphylococcus aureus
d.      Clostridium botulinum
45)          Auditors can gather objective evidence by
a.       Observing activities
b.      Interviewing Staff
c.       Reading documents
d.      All of the above
46)          A primary Standard is a
a.       Substance dissolved in a known volume of water
b.      Mass of substance dissolved in known volume of water
c.       Substance reacted with a substance whose concentration is accurately known
d.      Pure substance that can be used to determine  the concentration of other substances
47)          NABL 212 is a
a.       The guidance document on Quality Manual
b.      The guidance document on validation of Methods
c.       The guidance document of Quality audit
d.      None of the above
48)      The Minimum intensity of light required at working surface other than those required for specified tests is
a.       50- lux
b.      300- lux
c.       500- lux
d.      1000- lux
49)          A signal to noise ratio (S/N) of _________ is generally accepted for estimating LOD and signal to noise ration of ______ is used for estimating LOQ
a.       3 and 10
b.      9 and 10
c.       10 and 3
d.      10 and 9
50)          Bacterial contamination may cause food poisoning, the condition required for bacterial growth are
a.       Moisture, cold temperature, time, food supply, low acid environment, oxygen
b.      Moisture, high temperature, time, food supply, low acid environment, oxygen
c.       Moisture, warm temperature, time, food supply, low acid environment, oxygen
d.      Moisture, cold temperature, time, food supply, high acid environment, oxygen


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